Ice Arrow is Missing
Part 31

Skullkid pulled a fast one and gave the Keaton the Ice Arrow, but not before modifying the rules of the Quiz! The player no longer only needs to answer five questions, but instead has to answer thirty! Each question is about all the previous parts of IAIM and where the Ice Arrow was hidden in them. Your IAIM knowledge will be put to the test! This means one of the general rules for IAIM does not apply to this part. Normally it is not required to have any knowledge of any other specific parts to solve another. Because of this a special notice is included in the Clock Town sign to make sure the player is aware before continuing.

The Keaton Quiz

Hidden with the Keaton in the grass.

Clue 1: Southern Swamp

Questions are great, but do you have the answers?

Hidden behind the tree near Tourist Information.

Clue Reference

The Keaton Quiz.

Clue 2: Deku Shrine

Hidden in the grass.

The upper part of the tree room where the fire rings are.

Clue Reference

The grass patches where the Keatons hide.

Clue 3: Snowhead (Winter)


Hidden on the platform where Biggoron will sit on in the spring time. There are hidden platforms the player can jump on to reach it.

Clue Reference

The color of the Keaton.

Clue 4: Path to Goron Village (Spring)

What you need lies with Kafei.

Hidden near the red rupee chest.

Clue Reference

The Keaton Mask, which Kafei wears.

Clue 5: Great Bay Coast

Pop quiz.

Up on the Fisherman's Game platforms.

A boat is added here to allow the player access to the islands.

Clue Reference

The Keaton Quiz.

Clue 6: Great Bay Temple

3 tails.

Hidden in the vertical water wheel room.

The red turnkeys are modified to be automatically activated. This allows the player to change the water direction, thus giving the ability to reach this room.

Clue Reference

The Keaton has three tails.

Clue 7: Beneath the Well

What does the fox say?

Hidden with the Deku Babas.

Clue Reference

The Keatons are a fox like creature.

Also a reference to The Fox (What does the Fox say?) by Ylvis.