Ice Arrow is Missing
Part 5

This part was designed with 95Shade in mind. The player is lead to obtain the Bunny Hood which results in them getting the Ice Arrow instead.

Cucco Shack

Once all the chicks are fully grown instead of immediately getting the Bunny Hood the player is taken to a grotto. This isn't just any ordinary Grotto however, it's one of the Deku Palace Grottos that exists in the Japanese version but was later removed in the North American version. The Ice Arrow chest is placed near the upper exit. Using the exit will then get the player the Bunny Hood.

Clue 1: Termina Field


Hidden on one of the pillars out side East Clock Town.

Clue Reference

The Bunny Hood.

Clue 2: Deku Palace


Hidden in the Magic Bean Seller Grotto. The sign replaces the Red Rupee chest.

Clue Reference

The color of the chicks in the Cucco Shack.

Clue 3: Ocean Spider House


Hidden in one of the alcoves covered by a wooden crate.

Clue Reference

The amount of the chicks in the Cucco Shack.

Clue 4: Beneath the Graveyard


Hidden in Dampe's House.

Clue Reference

The ranch is blocked by a giant Boulder.

Clue 5: Ikana Canyon

Lead the way.

Hidden on one of the ledges with trees used to climb to the upper part of the canyon.

Clue Reference

Leading the chicks around.

Clue 6: On the Moon

They grow up so fast.

Out in the open grass area. It is almost directly opposite of where the player starts out.

Clue Reference

The chicks grow once they are all together.

Clue 7: Waterfall Rapids

Isn't that your clue?!?

Hidden behind the waterfall near where the beaver race minigame starts.

Clue Reference

The finding Epona cutscene. This clue is meant to lead the player to the Romani Ranch.