Did someone say custom maps? In this installment of IAIM I finally added a custom map to the game! Special shoutouts to Ostrealava for pushing me to make one and also helping with getting it working. I also decided to play a potentially dangerous game with this one.
Normally in Great Bay Coast the player can swim out to sea which will load the player back to either the beach or the cliff side depending on which side of the Pinnacle Rock entrance they use. In this part I changed the right side (near Pirates' Fortress) to take the player to the new map which is an ocean styled location. Once there they simply need to find the chest with the Ice Arrow as there are no switches or puzzles of any kind. I also decided to hide one of the signs in Great Bay Coast. This means it's possible by either shear dumb luck or by not knowing about the load trigger out in the ocean that the player can accidentally find the new map.